TcpDump Cheat sheet

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Here is the list of most popular tcpdump that Dhound team use for production network troubleshooting or capture security events.

Tcpdump is a command line network packet sniffer for Linux-based systems. Tcpdump can be installed by default in some Linux distributions (just type in command line tcpdump), overwise, install it by the command.

apt-get install tcpdump

PS. Wireshark is one of the best network sniffers for Windows-based systems.

NOTE! IP addresses specified in commands are just examples.

  • track all UDP traffic initiated by host (useful to track DNS amplification attack)
    tcpdump -i any 'udp && src host' -vvnnS
  • track DNS traffic that comes on the host
    tcpdump -i any '(udp && port 53 && dst host' -vvnnS
  • track TCP SYN packages from host: host tries to make to initiate TCP connection with an external source
    tcpdump -i any '((tcp[tcpflags] == tcp-syn) && src' -vvnnS
  • track TCP SYN-ACK packages to host: external resources sent acknowledge about opening TCP connection
    tcpdump -i any '(tcp[13] = 18 and dst host' -vvnnS
  • track traffic into Redis and write all packets into pcap file (pcap file can be opened in Wireshark then for analysis)
    tcpdump -i any 'dst port 6379' -vvnnS -w redis.pcap
  • track all UDP output traffic except DNS
    tcpdump -i any '(udp and not dst port 53 and src host' -vvnnS
  • track all traffic with particular host with writing it into pcap file (pcap file can be opened in Wireshark then for analysis)
    tcpdump -i any 'host' -vvnnS -w host-172-31-71-88.pcap
  • track all traffic on host except SSH, HTTPS, DNS, RabbitMQ, arp traffic
    tcpdump -i eth0 'not (port 22 or 443 or 53 or 5672) and not arp' -nnvvS

Usefull tcpdump parameters:

  • D – show all interfaces
  • i - interface
  • nn – without resolving hostname and ports
  • vv - verbose output
  • S - get entire package

See Also